Our lives are not that quiet with these two boys and it's never boring around here. But this weekend was one crazy weekend! OY! We had some great plans to check out the children's museum in Pasadena on Saturday...enjoy dinner and games with some friends...do the church thing...and just enjoy another beautiful weekend. Most of that got scrapped when P began to "wake up" at 3:15 on Saturday morning...off and on the crying went until 6:00...and sleep was all but impossible for those 3 hours. I think our great "plans" went out the window before we even started the day!
Poor little guy was not himself this weekend. It probably had a lot to do with the fact that he had his vaccinations on Friday morning. Yippee. After our "rough wake up" I decided to ditch the road trip and museum and just spend the morning at home so P could take a good nap. It wasn't just a "hang out" morning -- by 7:00 we were all loaded up in the car on our way to the grocery store (forgot to buy syrup the day before -- hard to have pancakes without syrup), Starbucks and the youth garage sale at the church (they helped us unload of some unneeded baby items and such -- purging before the move). Thankfully he did take a good 2 hour nap after our "outing".
Instead of finding some games to play outside, or head off to the park - we decided to have a family outing at the mall! What the heck were we thinking? (Oh wait, Mommy really needed to have her eyebrows threaded.) We opted to enjoy the food court for lunch and wrap up our time at the mall with a little "lookie-loo" at the Disney store. Luke must have been tired because he road the stroller throughout the store and didn't even seem to recognize any of the Disney characters that we watch constantly. Hopefully our trip to Disneyland will prove more exciting than that!
So...(my diatribe will continue)...naps came and went (thankfully they both took good naps so we could get our taxes done)...and the madness continued. Our friends David and Krista were joining us for fajitas and a game of Wizard -- usually a festive get together...but the craziness continued. Before dinner Jonny came over with Bailey and Laken so we had all the kids in the driveway. I prepped dinner, bathed the baby, put the meat on the grill and changed a big-girl diaper -- while the "boys" chatted in the driveway. (I believe my "Super Mom" cape is at the dry cleaners now after that one!) We convinced the Mills to join us for dinner -- and the rockin' fun-mad-house continued! David and Krista always joke that hanging out with our boys is good birth control (really it just fills his need to hold a baby and play with kids), but having two 2 year olds (who were running around, screaming, fighting like husband and wife, laughing, you name it...) and two babies came close to pushing their 5-year plan into a 10-year plan! (Here is my props to parents of twins!) We finally got the big kids bathed and the Mills sent home, frozen yogurt picked up, Luke in bed, and we were able to sit down to our game...only to have P wake up and need some loving. Did the day ever end?!!
So...here we are to Sunday (I'll keep today's diatribe shorter). P is tucked in bed, Luke is bathed and ready for books, all while Mommy and Daddy are somehow staying sane. Not a normal weekend needless to say. Crazy but fun. Luke pushing every button, but cracking us up at the same time. Paden feeling the effects of his shots, but happy just the same. Basketball brackets totally busted, but do we really care? And one tired, but happy set of parents!
1 comment:
Holy cow! I think you need to have that Super Mommy cape dry-cleaned! Busy, busy, busy! Are you ready for a quiet weekend at home?
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